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North Jersey RC&D

AgAssist Commitment

Supporting Farmers
Protecting Water Quality


Through grant funding, North Jersey RC&D has created opportunities for NJ farmers in certain counties and watersheds to receive funding for projects and practices that support clean water and healthy soils. The AgAssist Commitment Programs are completely separate from the AgAssist Cost-Share Program and include two different opportunities; 1) Conservation Equipment Commitment, and 2) Precision Nutrient Management Commitment.


The AgAssist Commitment Programs offer an upfront payment on a per acre basis for a commitment of three years of cover crop and no-till/minimal till management or three years of precision nutrient management. The upfront payment can be applied towards no more than 50% of conservation equipment purchased (see below for eligible equipment). Farm location will determine funding opportunities available.


  • WHO IS NORTH JERSEY RC&D:  We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to working through partnerships and with farmers towards agricultural sustainability and water resource protection.          


    • ​Conservation Equipment Commitment:     

      • ​No-till drill

      • Broadcast box                                                                                                                                           

    • Precision Nutrient Management Commitment (includes, but is not limited to): 

      • Sprayer Tech​

        • Sprayer nozzle upgrades for drift reduction and Y Drop N management technology​

        • ​Sprayer Boom Priming Technology

        • Precision shut off, overlap control and GPS systems

        • Variable rate mapping software

      • Planter Tech

        • Precision Fertilizer Placement including but not limited to:

        • 2x2 N banding systems

        • Conceal 3x3 N banding technologies

        • FurrowJet N and P banding technologies

        • Precision liquid measurement and control technology

        • Variable seed placement and row shutoff tech


  • WHAT COMMITMENT IS REQUIRED: North Jersey RC&D will provide an upfront per/acre reimbursement payment to go towards the purchase of approved equipment. The three-year commitment required in exchange for the payment is as follows:​​​

If enrolled in the Conservation Equipment Commitment program, the producer agrees to commit to 3 consecutive years of no-till management of cash crops and no-till/minimal till management of cover crop in the enrolled fields AND three consecutive years of winter cover cropping the enrolled fields.


Funding Rates:

  • Cover Crop: $35/acre/year

  • No-till: $12/acre/year

  • For cover crop and no-till 3 year commitment = $141/acre.


Required actions:

  • Plant a winter cover crop within the enrolled acres for three consecutive years by the agreed upon dates,

  • Maintain cover crops until April 1st or later of each year,

  • No-till cash crops for three years in the enrolled acres, and

  • No-till or minimal till the cover crops in the enrolled acres for three years.

​​If enrolled in the Precision Nutrient Management Commitment program, the producer agrees to commit to 3 consecutive years of managing nutrient management in enrolled fields using the purchased precision ag equipment, with the intention of reducing their nutrient or chemical applications and the potential for run-off and leaching. ​


Funding Rates:

  • Precision Nutrient Management: $35/acre/year

  • For 3 year commitment = $105/acre.                                                      

Required actions:

  • Use the purchased precision ag equipment for three consecutive years in the enrolled fields.

  • Track inputs using the precision ag equipment and aim to reduce inputs compared to prior use of the precision ag equipment.




    • ​Up to 50% of the total equipment cost,  AND
    • Up to 150 acres enrolled in the program at per acre rates listed above. For example:
      • Conservation Equipment Commitment (Cover Crop and No-till) = $141/acre. For 150 acres at $141/acre = $21,250.
      • Precision Nutrient Management = $105/acre. For 150 acres at $105/acre = $15,750. ​
    • FUNDING EXAMPLE 1: A producer can enroll 150 acres for a payment limit of $141/acre = $21,150. If the total cost of a no-till drill is $50,000 and 50% is $25,000 then they will hit the payment limit. The highest possible payment is $21,150.
    • ​FUNDING EXAMPLE 2: â€‹If a producer enrolls 30 acres at $141/acre = $4,230 and they purchase a broadcast box to be installed on vertical tillage equipment at $8,000 (max 50% is $4,000), the program can reimburse the full 50% at $4,000. â€‹â€‹


  • WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Eligibility is based on farm location. All farmers within certain Delaware River watersheds (portions of Musconetcong, Lopatcong, Pequest, Pohatcong, Harihokake, Nishisakawick, Lockatong, Wickecheoke, and Alexauken subwatersheds). Please reference map below.

    • Farms producing agricultural products worth $2,500 or more annually.

      • A case-by-case determination can be made for farms that do not meet the $2,500 requirement but demonstrate a strong need for assistance to remedy a water quality or soil health issue.



  1. Use the interactive map below to locate the watershed your farm property falls in.

  2. If your farm property falls within the light pink focus areas, you are eligible to apply for the opportunity.

  3. If you don't fall within an eligible region for a program you are interested in, let us know! We will try to secure future grant funding for your area.

  4. Applications: We will be making program changes for 2025. Please feel free to complete the online 2024 application at the bottom of this form but be aware that changes for 2025 may be made after your application submission. Applications can be accepted at anytime but will not be processed until January/February 2025. 

  5. If selected, participants must supply receipts and work with North Jersey RC&D staff to provide field maps of the enrolled fields over the course of the commitment.


​​  *Please note that should you be approved for funding, any equipment purchased BEFORE signing an Agreement Letter for AgAssist 2023 Commitment (CEC or PNMC) is not eligible for reimbursement.


  • HOW APPLICATIONS ARE RANKED: Applications will receive ranking based on:

    • Impact to water quality and resource concern;

    • Highly erodible land (HEL) determination;

    • Past funding received; and

    • Historically underserved status.                                                                                                                     

  • FUNDING: The AgAssist Commitment Program is made possible through grants awarded to North Jersey RC&D.  Current grant funding is made available from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Delaware River Restoration Fund.



Area Eligible for Funding

Watershed areas eligible for AgAssist Commitment funding are highlighted in the light pink/red colors on the map below. See if your farm property falls within an eligible watershed area. You can use the 'Find address or place' search tool to locate your farm property on the map.


Please feel free to distribute our flyers to interested farmers! You can click on the PDF icon below to get the flyer.


Complete an application online to apply using the 'Application' button above. 


If you have questions or need help completing the application, please contact Sam at or North Jersey RC&D staff at (908) 574-5368



Our Partners

AgAssist is made possible through grant contributions from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; New Jersey Department of Agriculture; and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

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(908) 574-5368



10 Maple Avenue
P.O. Box 117
Asbury, NJ 08802


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North Jersey RC&D Area, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

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