New Jersey Dept. of Agriculture - Marketing & Development
Resources are provided for:
Grants, Marketing, Education
Organic Sustainable, Regenerative Agriculture Program (OSRA) - The OSRA Program is an education and outreach program designed to provide educational materials and assistance to farmers and consumers interested in the techniques and benefits of sustainable, regenerative, and organic agricultural practices.
Jersey Fresh - an advertising, promotional, and quality grading program to help NJ farmers inform consumers about the availability of fruits and vegetables grown in NJ.
Jersey Raised - a pilot program for marketing livestock raised in NJ.
Crop Insurance - this program informs NJ producers of risk management and crop insurance programs to better manage risk and increase financial stability.
Specialty Crop Block Grants - enhances the competitiveness of specialty crops by funding projects that leverage efforts to market and promote specialty crops, assist producers with R&D, expand availability and access to specialty crops, and address challenges of specialty crop producers.
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