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USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)

Resources are provided for:

New farmers,
Beginner farmers (1-10 years farming),
Financial Planning/Management,
Conservation practices,
Equipment purchasing or rental,
Technical Assistance


Farm Loan Department
-Farm Ownership Loans: used to purchase or make capital improvements to a farm property
-Farm Operating Loans: used to make annual or longer-term purchases like seed, fertilizer, equipment, and livestock
-Emergency Loans: used for physical and/or production losses of a farm that has suffered from a natural disaster
-Youth Loans: used for youth involved in 4-H/FFA or similar organization to fund an income producing agricultural project
-Guaranteed Loans: used for eligible farm ownership and operating purposes through a commercial ag lender where FSA guarantees the loan to reduce the risk of the lender

Low-interest rate loans
-Farm Storage Loans
-Marketing Assistance Loans

Price Support Programs
-Agricultural Risk Coverage/Price Loss Coverage (ARC/PLC) program
-Payments are issued to those who obtain base acres, when actual crop revenue declines below a specific guaranteed level (ARC election) or the price for covered commodities falls below the effective reference price (PLC election)

-provides disaster assistance on crops not covered by Risk Management Agency

Conservation programs
-Help NJ farmers reduce runoff, improve water quality and continue grazing and haying practices
-provide conservation benefits for wildlife, soil health and carbon sequestration
-provides annual rental payments in return

More Info:


(908) 574-5368



10 Maple Avenue
P.O. Box 117
Asbury, NJ 08802


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North Jersey RC&D Area, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

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