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Apply for One-to-One Technical Assistance Consultations & Soil Testing

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Through the Regenerative Farm Network (RFN-NJ), funded by NRCS Equity in Conservation Cooperative Agreements, North Jersey RC&D will be offering a limited number of one-to-one technical assistance and consultations to RFN-NJ members.

Become a member today! Joining is free. RFN-NJ Membership Form

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and batch processed every 1-2 months.

Apply now to be considered for these four opportunities:

1. Annual Farm Budget Preparation (~5 participants).

  • The total value of the consultations is $2,000. North Jersey RC&D, through grant funding, will cover ~90% of the cost. The cost to the farmer is $190.

  • Two 1:1 consultations with Keith Dickinson, Farm Credit East, to assist in budget preparation. The first consultation will review goals and finances. The second consultation will review the prepared annual farm budget.

  • At least three years of previous financial records in electronic format is required (Quickbooks or Centerpoint preferred). Hand-written records or other electronic general ledger systems may be accepted at an additional expense.

  • Participants must sign an engagement agreement.

2. Technical Assistance to Implement Conservation Practices (~10 participants)

  • Up to $1,000 in value.

  • Examples of Technical Assistance:

    • Introducing single or multi-species cover cropping into your rotation.

    • Switching to no-till, roller-crimping, planting green, etc.

    • Implementing rotational grazing

  • North Jersey RC&D staff or independent consultant will provide the technical assistance via one site visit and two follow-up phone consultations.

3. Nutrient Management Planning (~10 participants)

  • Up to $1,500 in value for nutrient management consultation services. You may use a consultant of your choice with NJ RC&D approval.

  • Unsure of what nutrient management entails? Click here for more information.

4. Soil testing (25 participants)

  • Over $200 in value.

  • Cost of two soil samples to the Cornell Soil Health Lab for a Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health (CASH) ($90/sample), plus $25 to cover shipping costs.

  • Participants must collect and ship their own samples.

Use this link to apply:


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(908) 574-5368

10 Maple Avenue
P.O. Box 117
Asbury, NJ 08802


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North Jersey RC&D Area, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

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