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R.J. Fulper

R.J. Fulper is a young farmer taking over the crop and hay portions of the Fulper family farm operation in scenic West Amwell in Hunterdon County. R.J. received his Bachelor’s degree in Crop Science at Delaware Valley College, and has since returned to the farm to work full time as the farm’s crop manager.

The approximately 1,000-acre farm has been no-tilling for almost 40 years, and using cover crop for 10 years. The Fulper farm runs a herd of approximately 250 head of cattle, comprised of 110 milking cows and 140 beef cattle. The farm has been recognized for their exceptional milk quality, previously receiving the Dairy of Distinction Award and the Dairy Herd Improvement Association Awards. They have also been recognized for several sustainability projects.

The farm has been in the aerial cover crop seeding program for the last 3 years, and the farm’s use of cover crop and no-till it has proven to be beneficial to increasing soil health. The Fulper Farm is in the process of becoming a River Friendly® Certified Farm.


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